Information for Students

高中和大学残疾服务之间的差异在大学入学时就开始了.  如果学生想要建立合理的住宿条件,他们有责任向倡导和无障碍学习中心办公室表明自己的身份.  The student is responsible for their accommodations.  In the AALC office, 我们期待着与您合作,浏览访问的合理住宿.

Some key differences between high school and college:

  • Applicable laws in high school are through I.D.E.A和适用于大学的法律是《网赌平台网站》第504条和《网赌平台网站》.
    • I.D.E.A. promotes success while ADA, 504 and the ADA Amendments Act promotes access.
  • The high school must coordinate all aspects of the services, unlike college, where a student must contact the AALC to coordinate services.
    • At the college level, 这看起来像一个学生与AALC沟通,以协调在不同地点的测试.  Self advocacy is key!

More Information

倡导和无障碍学习中心通过提供旨在支持他们参与网赌平台网站提供的所有项目和活动的服务,努力满足每个学生的个性化需求. 如果学生希望对其资格信中概述的决定提出上诉, 学生应该首先与倡导和无障碍学习中心(AALC)的主任讨论这个问题。. 如果学生想进一步对决定提出上诉,他们必须遵循以下上诉程序.  

  1. 学生必须向网赌平台网站提供以下信息第九条 & ADA Coordinator:
    1. 倡导和无障碍学习中心(AALC)主任签署并注明日期的个人声明,包括拒绝日期, specific accommodation(s) denied, and rationale for the student’s request based on the disability.
    2. Disability documentation submitted to the AALC.
    3. Eligibility Letter issued by the AALC.
    4. Any other relevant information pertaining to the student’s request.
  1. The Title IX & ADA协调员将向住宿上诉委员会提交学生的上诉请求.
  2. 住宿申诉委员会将在收到申诉后的十(10)个工作日内审查学生的材料. 如有必要进行调查,将及时进行,以获得进一步的资料. 书面决定将在调查完成后的五(5)个工作日内发送给学生, 但不得超过收到学生申诉包后的十五(15)个工作日. A copy will be maintained in the AALC student record.
  3. The decision of the Accommodation Appeal Committee is final.

Frequently Asked Questions

please email the AALC at [email protected] to schedule and appointment with a staff member. 学生也可以向他们的指导老师自我认同,并要求转介到AALC.

If a student needs academic or residential accommodations, please visit the New Student Information page and follow all steps in the registration process.

Disability Documentation Guidelines vary depending on the type of disability. 当前和全面的文件不仅需要确定学生是否有资格获得住宿,而且还需要, their current levels of functioning.

Go to our new student page for more information.

NCF致力于创建一个包容多样性和身份的赌城平台网站社区, including disability identity. AALC serves as a resource to all students who have a disability. By registering with AALC, 你可能会允许自己获得可能对你有益的资源和机会, whether you utilize accommodations/services or not. 

This frequently happens. At NCF, 当学生因健康状况要求修改课程政策或住宿时, the requests must be facilitated through AALC. 也有可能,直到你进入赌城平台网站,开始参加课程,在赌城平台网站里四处走动,你才意识到你需要一些东西. That is okay, as well. You can register with AALC at any point while you are registered at NCF.

No. NCF does not have services for LD or ADHD evaluations. 学生在申请残疾服务时需要提交当前和全面的评估. Please review our Disability Documentation Guidelines for more information about what is required.

AALC将有关注册状态的文件和信息保存在安全的地方. 当与教师和赌城平台网站合作伙伴分享信息时,涉及提供住宿, our focus is on the accommodation you need for equal access, not on the disability.

Regardless of whether you’ve turned 18 when entering college, 你的IEP或504计划将在你高中毕业开始上大学时结束. iep和504都是通过《赌城平台网站》(IDEA)来处理的。, 而大学里的残疾人安置是通过《网赌平台网站》(ADA)和1973年《网赌平台网站》第504条(以及对这些法律的后续修订)来处理的。. 这意味着你不会继续有规律的、频繁的会议. like what might have occurred in high school. However, 你的IEP和504文件仍然被视为大学住宿的残疾文件, and you will meet with someone in AALC at least one time each semester. 你的IEP和504文件也可以作为AALC的指南,帮助你找到有益的资源, such as the Writing Resource Center, Quantitative Resource Center, 或者学生成功和倡导项目以及他们的学生导师和教练. 您的IEP或504的文件也可以帮助转介设备或辅助设备,旨在提高您的教育可及性, various campus support groups, case management services, or outside community resources.

经济援助的目的是帮助学生和家庭支付无法通过自己的资源支付的教育费用. Financial aid can be either need-based or non-need-based. 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的结果以及教育费用将决定学生是否有经济需求. 与残疾相关的费用可能会影响你的经济需求,但残疾并不会自动使学生有资格获得经济援助.

We encourage students to visit the website for the Johnson Scholarship Foundation.