


  • 文件遗失或迟交, 财政援助核实不完整, late registration may require you to pay your bill without financial assistance. 请确保我们按时收到您需要的所有物品.
  • Any items in a language other than English require a professional translation. International university transcripts require course-by-course credential evaluation.
  • 校历(即将推出)






  • 您的基本NCF账单的金额-学费和杂费, 赌城平台网站房屋, meal plan – will depend on your tuition residency (out-of-state or Florida), 还有你的住房分配和膳食计划. NCF是一所住宿学院, so students are expected to live on campus for at least two years (unless approved for off-campus), all students are expected to break bread together through participation in the meal plan.
  • After approved scholarship funding 和 any federal or need-based aid is applied, 您有责任在8月1日前付清剩余的余额.
  • 文件遗失或迟交, 财政援助核实不完整, late registration may require you to pay your bill without financial assistance. 请确保我们按时收到您需要的所有物品.
  • 你总是可以在网上看到你的财务账单. 秋季款将于7月1日上市.


  • 签署 myNCF.
  • 单击“自助服务学生”标题.
  • 选择查看和支付账单.
  • 单击“付款”(选择要支付的付款).

NCF接受使用信用卡或支票在线支付. H和written checks may also be delivered in person to the 启动中心 和/or mailed to:


  • 付款计划 网赌平台网站 offers Payment Plan Options to help spread out any student finance charges. 参观 学生帐目及出纳 浏览更多信息.
  • 设置收款人指定人 NCF每月将所有财务信息发送到您的电子邮件中. In order for your parents/guardians to view your Student Financial Statements 和 make payments, 您需要将他们设置为收款人.
    • 登录 myNCF 门户网站.
    • 单击Student Self-Service标题.
    • 查看及缴付帐单.
    • 向下滚动到页面中间,“你想要帮助支付吗??”
    • 选择“发送付款人邀请(填写收款人信息)”
    • 收款人将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何完成此注册.

联系START中心 (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4635



为了在学费上被归类为佛罗里达居民, the student or the student’s parent/legal guardian must have established Bona Fide Domicile 和 legal ties to the state of Florida at least 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of the term in which the student is seeking in-state residency status. 佛罗里达法规第1009条.21 提供有关佛罗里达州要求的标准的信息 居住申报表

If you have questions about the form 和 documents, contact 招生 at 941-487-5000. 一份遗失的佛罗里达居民声明, or one that does not meet state requirements for tuition will require us to adjust tuition to the out-of-state rate.

All students are required to provide documentation regarding immunity to Measles 和 Rubella, 以及关于乙型肝炎和脑膜炎疫苗接种的声明. Students on the F-1 visa are required to provide results of a tuberculosis test 和 proof of health insurance that meets the requirements of 佛罗里达州州长委员会条例6.009.

学生在登记住宿时需要提供免疫接种表, 类, 以及网赌平台网站的经济援助.

提交给:网赌平台网站咨询 & 萨拉索塔湾岸路5800号健康中心, FL 34243 Fax: 941-487-4256 or contact Counseling 和 Wellness: Marguerite Perretta (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4254

  • 所有学生均须申请住宿及配套膳食计划(住宅生活)通过房屋登记瓷砖 myNCF (马上)
  • Register for NCFSafe emergency notifications using the Self Service Student tile in the myNCF 

问题? 联系住房 & 住宅生活 (电子邮件保护) or 941-487- 4507

  • 美国公民, 永久居民外国人, Eligible Non-Citizens: 应用 for need-based aid 和 federal student loans using the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).
  • If you are receiving scholarship funds from an organization outside of New College, please arrange for the scholarship funds to be sent directly to the Office of Financial 援助 at the college address.
  • Financial 援助 To-Do List – Check your Financial 援助 Requirements 和 complete verification 和 any other requirements (before July 1).
    • 去 myncf.bukatara.com  和 log into your myNCF应用网关 Select “Self Service Student” In the Financial 援助 box, select the link for Financial 援助 Select the “首页” Financial aid requirements will appear in a list here. 任何未完成的要求将在顶部列出,并标有“需要”的标志.” Fulfilled requirements will appear at the bottom with the flag “Complete” *NOTE: You only need to complete the Entrance Counseling requirement if you wish to borrow federal student loans. 你可以在网上完成入学咨询 http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/
  • 查看您的奖项:登录 myNCF 单击“自助服务学生”标题  In the Financial 援助 box, click on the Financial 援助 link. 选择屏幕顶部的Award Offer链接.
  • 佛罗里达居民高中学生:提交你的 佛罗里达经济援助申请 (FFAA)高中毕业. 审查你的经济援助奖(接受联邦贷款), 在学生援助处完成硕士本票和入学咨询.政府

All students are required to have their school send all official transcripts directly to NCF 招生 from each high school 和 college attended, including college transcripts for dual enrollment 和 summer college courses.

官方考试成绩* -  or 行为 or 解释水平理论 分数必须直接来自考试机构, using the codes College Board (坐) #5506 or American College Testing Program (行为) #0750  or be included on your official school transcript.

发送 APIBAICECLEP 分数直接从考试机构发送到NCF注册中心.

Final Official Transcripts — Have your school send final transcripts (with date of high school graduation) to New College directly from each school 和 college. *我们不接受传真的标准化考试成绩作为正式成绩.

Place orders for all final official high school 和 college transcripts 和 exam scores so they ARRIVE before July 1 (as applicable).

完成 定量识字和推理评估

  • 的 定量识字和推理评估 (QLRA) is an assessment of basic quantitative skills. Used for diagnostic purposes only, it consists of twenty questions 和 is available online.
  • 登录 myNCF 粘贴一个链接到 QLRA 到浏览器的新选项卡中.
  • 联系定量技能项目主任Travis Lee: (电子邮件保护) 如果您有任何问题,请拨打941-487-4742.

Complete 课程安排 Exams if you’re planning to take any of these courses: 微积分预科,法语,西班牙语,中文.

  • 的 Math Placement Assessment is for all students planning to take any calculus course. Students scoring less than 50% should take Introduction to Math for the Sciences (precalculus) before attempting Calculus I. 联系特拉维斯·李 (电子邮件保护) 或者帕特·麦克唐纳 (电子邮件保护)

If you seek any disability accommodation (learning, dorm, meal plan), complete a 新生申请表格 并向无障碍学习中心咨询(7月1日前)

  • 所有学生都必须注册 取向 (7月1日前),并鼓励报名选修 欢迎周三 会话.
  • 的 启动中心 staff will be available at 欢迎周三s 和 取向 to assist with forms related to payment 和 refunds, 以及隐私释放, 身份证, 还有停车许可证.
  • 批准访问你的教育记录 FERPA披露同意书 (强烈推荐)

所有学生都必须完成 重点2职业评估

Career exploration 和 preparation will be essential aspects of your New College experience. You are required to meet individually with your assigned Career Coach for career exploration in your first year. 为你的职业探索约会做准备, 以综合职业评估为例, 关注2, 发掘你的兴趣, 可能的aoc(专业), 职业选择. Your assigned Career Coach will review your 关注2 in your first appointment. To access the 关注2, click “Register”, complete your profile, use the access code ncf.

职业接触 & 机会(CEO) (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-5002.



